Monday, July 9, 2012

Designing Bathrooms Around a Window

We are officially almost done with the design process - at least for the floor plans and the elevations (what the house will look like from the outside).  Next up - tile and paint and woodwork and built-ins and more....Thank God for, because we've got the basic aesthetics down after hours of ideabooks and pinning.

Now I totally understand why some houses look funny from the outside.  It is quite a task trying to place windows and doors while making the inside functional and the outside look good.  I think we redesigned our Master bathroom at least 5 times trying to figure out how to get the window placement just right on the front left of the house.  

Here's an example:

Weird, right?  The upstairs left windows are too small - because we had our shower on that front wall.  So we moved the shower and bathtub around and ended up with this:

Another weird thing about elevations is that because they aren't 3D, it's hard to tell the depth of some areas.  The door on the left of the house is actually about 50 feet back and is a door into the garage that you can't even see from the street - not a random shed on the side of our house like I thought the first time I saw this.

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