Not that I thought gutting, designing, and adding an additional 1500 square feet to an existing house was going to be easy, but that little liar HGTV had me hoping that things would at least maybe take less than FOREVER to finish. Apparently Denver is the only city in the world where homebuilding is actually booming, and 10 weeks is the projected timeline for permits. That's just to GET PERMISSION to build. Then we tack on another 24 weeks for construction and probably 4 weeks for weather delays if it decides to snow this winter, and I'm going to be 30 when we move into this house.
I've never been more ready to rip a roof off of a house.
Anyways....while we continue to wait, there are some changes that have taken place. We've had a lot of masonry work done to move windows, brick up windows, cut new windows, doors, etc.
Below is our front door opening before:
This is after moving it over 6 inches and taking out the additional width of the old sidelights. It's an amazing art to be able to tooth in brick like this:
These are the new windows in the sitting room off the kitchen (there was zero light on this side of the house - very depressing). They are HUGE - we actually had no idea how big until we went to check out the progress last Sunday.
More pics that show the handiwork of the mason - the written instructions on the wall were classic.
Anyways, I know it's hump day and on hump day the week never seems like it's going to be over, but I leave you with this little nugget that a client sent to me: